June 3, 2002





If you were convicted of a shameful crime, and everyone in your town knew about it, what would you do?

If I were convicted of a shameful crime, it would be for something I didn't do. Therefore I would fight it as best I could and get on with my life.

Judy, 62
, KS   USA

I suppose if that happened, I would be absolutely embarrassed and probably would think about leaving town for a few months. Take a trip somewhere and come back. If they still hated me, I would seriously think about moving permantly to another city.

Brad, 21

Like Hester Prinn, I'd hope that I would bear the shame with humility and grace and let others opinions and actions speak for themselves.

Felicia, 36
, MA   USA

Leave town.

Talia, 25
, CT   USA

I suppose if i were convicted, i would go to jail?

Nicole2, 20
, FL   USA

I would move. I have a neighbor who has been here three years who one neighbor found on an online site as being on probation for molesting two girls. Now how embarrassing is that?


If I lived in a small town, I'd probably move but if I lived in a place like this (Silver Spring), I'd fit right in. (Not really)

Reba, 50+
Silver Spring

Deal with it while I served my time, then move.

Nicci, 27
Las Vegas
, NV   USA

I guess I'd be in jail and wouldn't be doing much of anything.

Fisch, 47
, CT   USA

I think if I was convicted of a shameful crime, I'd probably be in jail and wouldn't have to worry about what the people in my hometown thought. I'd be more worried about bubba 2 cells down that thinks I'm "purty".

Doug2, 29
Overland Park

If I were guilty, I would hope that I would confess to it, ask forgiveness and try to restart my life. If I were innocent, I would try my hardest to fight the system, seek the truth, and try to restart my life. I'd probably have to move in either case.

Ryan, 28
Riedlingen  GERMANY

Change my name and move across the country. Start life over.

Triana, 29
, TX   USA

I'd go to prison.

Laura, 37
, MA   USA

Whatever I had to.

Jane, 62
West Linn
, OR   USA

I would like to think that I could hold my head high and continue life as usual, but I would probably move away, if I could...


I really wouldn't have much of a choice, would I? If anyone in my town remembered me (I'm thinking of high school), their reactions depend on the crime. Committing a crime for something I believe in--no one would be surprised. Robbing a bank? It would raise a few eyebrows, but since I went to high school in WV, I'm already considered successful for making it to college.

Cancer, 20
, NY   USA

If I committed a shameful crime, I would probably commit suicide shortly afterwards. My opinion is worth more to me than public opinion.

Jill, 61

I'd probably wind up moving and starting over somewhere else.

Janet, 44
E. Brunswick

I would apologize to the townsfolk and pray to God for his forgiveness.

Melodi, 19
, OH   USA

Did I commit the shameful crime?

Karen, 22
, IA   USA

I don't know-I'd like to say I'd go on with my life and not care what people thought, but having been conditioned my whole life to actually care about what other pepole think, I'd prolly end up moving away or something.

Angela, 18
Bella Vista

First of all, it would not be a crime. I may do shameful stuff, however, it would not be a crime...I respect the law too much to break it. Seeing how, it would not be a crime, if people are going to judge me, to quote the great DX, I've got just two words for them..."S*ck it." Besides, I would probably move to Alaska...and considering that is my dream anyhow, everything would work out for the best...no harm, no foul.

Pluto, 30

I'd move away. Or go to Hawai'i.

Stephanie, 25

Well, it depends whether or not I thought it was actually shameful. If I was ashamed, I might need some alone time. If I wasn't, I'd go on with my life.

Eric, 20
Beverly Hills

It depends on whether I had done the crime I was convicted of. (I wouldn't put it past me.) If I were falsely accused, I would go but try to appeal again and again. If I had actually done the crime, I would probably just go to jail and deal with the consequences.

Johanna, 18

Well, it depends on how everyone in my town treated me after they found out. If they didn't pay any attention and went on about their own business, I would just get over it. But if everyone started staring at me, or plotting evil or mischeivous things to cause me trouble, I would probably move a town over or something. I could never move far away from my town. And it also depends on what the shameful crime was.

Lisa J., 23

Yesterday /`Tomorrow