January 25, 2000    





Why did you get out of bed today?

Actually, it was easier to get out of bed today than it is most days.  The alarm went off, and I positively popped out of bed. I guess I was just looking forward to the day. My roommate & I had breakfast, went to check her email, and bought art supplies. I skipped the class I'm going to drop, and I might have time for a short nap before my other Tuesday/Thursday class. I guess I just woke up feeling like it was going to be a good day.

Karen, 20

I got out of bed today to get to work, until I found out the snow closed the entire region, and I got a day of. In this case, it paid to get up, so I could go back to sleep.

Ernest, 28

I got out of bed because a friend is coming in 2 days and my house is a mess. I don't have class for a few hours and figured I could get something done with it. Plus, my sister was typing at 5:30 and woke me up.

Lindsay, 21

I got out of bed today because I have to teach at 12 pm. If I didn't, I'd probably be asleep. I'm sick again.

Amy, 23
Baton Rouge,

Because I nurse a small mad hope that this today will be much more exciting and interesting than all the other previous todays. Isn't that why everyone gets out of bed in the morning?

Shayna, 28

Immeadiately because it was hard to sleep with my brother's alarm ringing in the other room. Longer term, I had things to do. I don't think the server administrator for www.gradetheprof.com will be overjoyed if my homebrewed c based CGI dumps core like it is currently doing on my test machine.

Lowell, MA

I got out of bed because it seemed like the thing to do and I was too antsy this morning to fight getting up. I knew I had the morning to futz around on my own things and that the snow would probably mean everything would be moving at a much slower pace. I love days with lots of snow. Makes the day seem like it is going to be an adventure.

Felicia, 33

I woke up today at 5:40 am and saw a total white out from my bedroom windows. The snow was falling fast and furious. I checked to see that school was cancelled, went to the bathroom, turned off my kids' alarm clocks and crawled back into bed. I reawoke at 10:00 am and went downstairs for a cup of tea and to finish reading the book, "Ahab's Wife, The Star Gazer."

Janet, 42
E. Brunswick, NJ

I had to go to work so I can pay the rent so I can have a roof over my head and a bed to sleep in and an alarm clock to wake up to and a car to drive so I can go to work to continue the (meaningless?) cycle of American life.

Medford, MA

Yesterday was full of petty exasperations--starting with millions and millions of snowflakes--and I got out of bed to face adversity on my own two feet.

Jill, 59
, PA

to go to work, feed my cats and because I hate just lying in bed wasting my time.

Nikki, 26
Kirkham  ENGLAND

Because I had to go for blood work at the local hospital. Nothing serious, but it was a fasting blood test so I wanted to get it over with early.

Cindy, 41

I got out of bed today because I didn't want to leave a yellow stink on my mattress(and the smart ass rears its ugly head again. . .)

mothmc, 35

I got out of bed to appease the Man. I thought that was why everyone got out of bed.

Kristin, 20

Yesterday / Tomorrow