January 15, 2001    





Has Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr's dream come to pass?

Here is the speech: http://www.historychannel.com/speeches/ra_archive/0310.ram

No, not entirely. There's still too much racial ugliness in the thoughts of too many people. I don't entirely blame the younger generation because much of that is how they were raised, and therefore, it's all they know. I think for his "dream" to see full fruition, it will take an awful lot of years yet. Though there has been much improvement in the general outlook on racial inequality and ignorant hatred, it's not over yet.

Fisch, 45
, CT   USA

Parts of it.

Jane, 60
West Linn
, OR   USA

Somewhat. There is still hatred for other races and cultures. But it is improving.

Stephanie, 25

Not yet, man. Not yet.

A-Dog, 18

In some ways yes, we have come a long long way. There is far less hatred and prejudice now, more equality and fairer justice. But there is still more to do before all peoples walk together hand in hand. King's Dream must still live on and be our hope for the future!

Sarah S., 17
, NY   USA

To some degree. Rascism is no longer "the norm" as it was in the 1960s nor is it as obvious. However, for all intents and purposes segregation still  exists in our public school system, and racism has by and large shifted to a more subtle yet still venemous form. I believe he would be pleased that society no longer finds the concept of racism acceptible, but would still find there is a long way to go yet.

Talia, 23
, CT    USA

It has for some people. But others still end up in miserable situations, whether because that is the hand they came up with, because they refuse to put the past behind them, or because they just have not worked hard enough to get out of the situations. I think that children are completely open to concepts of equality, justice, and brotherhood, but it's hard for them to adopt those concepts as part of their personalities if they aren't exposed to them.

Karen, 21

I know it hasn't for me, but as for the rest of the world, i cant be as nice. People are so caught up in progress, technology. Someday, we will all be one, but not in the good way. We will all be one unit, thinking the same thing and looking the same way. that is not what king wanted. He wanted differences to be loved, not destroyed.


Ethnically, I'm a WASP. I feel I am unqualified to speak for those who consider--or have at one time considered--themselves exploited and downtrodden.

Jill, 60

Probably closer than we were when Dr. King made that speech, but not close enough to be the dream realized.

Felicia, 34
, MA   USA

I would like to say yes. And sometimes I think it has come to pass. But, let me tell you what happened yesterday at work. I work at a motel and I was checking this guy in, and I gave him his room key and he walked outside and came back in. He tells me, "No, I don't want that room cause I just looked up there at it, and there was a n*gger looking down at me and he was standing near my room. I don't wanna be up there with any of those n*ggers. I don't like those damn n*ggers." He was also commenting about Asian-Indians running all the motels around here. "Every damn motel I've been to is being run by a bunch of Indians." So, I said, "Well, sir, this one is too." Eventually this idiot left, not wanting to stay. But that's ok, we didn't want him staying there anyway. He must have been one those anal retentive guys that just can't handle another race. Screw him. America doesn't need people like that.

Lisa J., 22

Not entirely.

Alias Irrelevante

In some ways... I still know of areas where people of different races aren't accepted.

Jeremy, 13
Highlands Ranch

Absolutely not. . . giant steps have been made, but there are still so many discriminatory practices by our government. There are still laws on the books that criminalize interracial marriage in some states. There is not one state that allows same-sex marriage (or even all the rights of marriage; Vermont comes closest with it's Civil Unions, but it still doesn't give ALL the rights of marriage to same-sex couples, and in many states there are laws that criminalize sex between persons (esp. males) of the same gender. Drug laws often affect minority races disproportionately and racial profiling unfairly targets an entire race for a single suspect's crime. As he once said, "Justice too long delayed is justice denied." King's dream has not been realized.

Eric, 18
Beverly Hills

not quite yet. . .but I do believe we are on the right track. . .

mothmc, 36
Los Angeles

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