February 15, 2003





What do you feel is your sole purpose in life?

No self-respecting organism has a sole purpose in life. Redundancy is a factual necessity in every ecosystem in the universe.

Jill, 61
Saylorsburg, PA USA

I don't have a sole purpose in life -- I have many that are important to me, though whether they are important in the larger scheme of things is not something I can judge.

Jane, 63
West Linn, OR USA

I do not have a "sole" purpose in life - instead, many purposes. But if I had to narrow it down, cull it to its core, I would say "to love." Not as in hearts and flowers, but to live a loving life, caring of the people around me as well as myself.

Cindy, 41

If I have one, it is a mystery to me.

Felicia, 37
Lowell, MA USA

I think I've completed my main sole purpose: to raise my kids to be decent productive people. Maybe my next sole purpose is to write a really good novel.

Judy, 62
Easton, KS USA

My sole purpose in life is not to file...filing totally reeks. I do not know if one person has a one, and only one, purpose in life...Having said that, a more accurate question may be what is it that you like doing more than anything else...that question is easier...writing...that totally reeks of awesomeness...granted, what I write may be pure crap, it probably is pure crap, but it is my pure

Frodo, 31

To survive and reproduce. That is the purpose and existance of all living things, to serve those functions.

Talia, 25
Tallahassee, FL USA

I don't think we are put here with a "sole" purpose. If we were, perhaps mine is to someday uncover exactly what my own is, cause I don't have a clue as yet!

Fisch, 47
Preston, CT USA

The ability to wiggle my ears.

Christine, 37
Syracuse, NY USA

I used to think that it was to have children. Then I thought it was my writing. Now I'm thinking it's just to be healthy and happy and to make otehr opeople happy.

Keri-Jade, 23
Brampton, Ontario CANADA

I don't have a sole purpose. Being a programmer, I multiprocess! At work, I do most of the programming for billing, I'm the Access guru by default, and I'm training to be the SQL Server DBA. With the extended family, I can be anything from "emotional support system" to "sucker who buys stuff from the school fundraiser". I don't think I can be boiled down to a sole purpose.

Cathie, 53
Novi, MI USA

I don't know about my sole purpose. . .my sole INTENTION is to make sure all the people who are
important to me (incuding myself) are as happy as possible.

Karen, 23
Ames, IA USA

To have children and teach them to love and pass it on.

Stephanie, 25

For many years now I've thought my main purpose in life was to see and help others to see and appreciate the works of God and to give Him thanks and praise. I am the woman_who_sees.

Reba, 57
Gaithersburg, MD USA

'Sole purpose?' Does that mean you're suppposed to jump off a bridge after you've done it?

Alias Irrelevante

To love God and to reflect that in the world.

Laura, 38
Lowell, MA USA

That's easy now that the kids are gone. My husband, Manheim Steamroller's Romantic Melodies, and a power bar, unless you'd count a bag of apples as one item. If all the kids were still little, I
simply wouldn't enter the shelter. I couldn't pick one person.

Judy, 62
Easton, KS USA

To glorify God. Although I am afraid I fall short way too often.

Janet, 45
E. Brunswick, NJ USA

if anyone really has a purpose, i don't understand how they figured it out. I just want to have a life i can respect and be at peace with.

A-Dog, 20
Eugene, OR USA

To be the best person I can be.

Tracy, 24
Ocean City, NJ USA

As a Mom to a daughter that feels that I should empty my wallet any time that it has money in it on her.

Milltown, NJ USA

I originally submitted this question because, at the very young age of 27, I feel I've discovered my sole purpose in life, as well as the purpose of all others: To give and receive love, each and every day. The purpose and existence of most "living things" is to survive and reproduce, however we're not your average living thing. We are created from and with love, and it only makes sense that once we can truly live this way we will have found our true purpose along with never-ending happiness. I'm excited to see that others (such as Stephanie [TX], Cindy [VA] & Laura [MA]) have discovered this same revelation for themselves, and I'm certain there's a time in everyone's life that this happens. Even though it might not be this life. For myself, I'm thankful that I didn't have to wait very long.

As for "Alias Irrelevant," If you were to jump off of a bridge after truly discovering this for yourself, nobody on earth would ever be able to receive love from you again. Or worse, you would cease to receive anyone else's. I believe that as human beings we all, throughout history and forever more, have the same SOLE purpose in life: to give and receive love.

William, 27
Orange County, CA USA

Wow...that's a deep question! I really have no idea! Sometimes I think that raising my son to be a happy, well-adjusted adult is my sole purpose...other times I think it is to just be the best person I can be and pass on kindness to others....


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