April 7, 2003





What would you do to fight for your beliefs?

I don't really know how to answer that question. I can't see how it would be necessary to fight for my beliefs themselves.

Karen, 23
Ames, IA USA

It would depend on how strong my belief is, and what sort of retaliation I should expect.

Aly, 17
Cardiff UK

Dunno- Haven't had to.

Stephanie, 27

I would rally for God in a Church of God. I would stand tall and proud if someone came into a church and said, "I am going to shoot everyone in this place who is a true Christian"; I wouldn't run. I would die for Jesus because he died for me. I would endure any pain and suffering because He did it for me. I would do anything to fight for Jesus.

Melodi, 19
Gahanna, OH USA

It depends on what the belief is and how important it is to you. Going to war? Giving up your religion? Saving a tree?

Reba, 57
Gaithersburg, MD USA

Fight? Has it come to that in the good, old U.S.A.? I probably wouldn't take up arms--I can express myself cogently enough to acquire martyrdom.

Jill, 61
Saylorsburg, PA USA

I don't think anyone knows until they have to face the challenge to their beliefs. I am not a soldier, so defending my country is not my job. I am a writer. I have written many an editorial about local and national political issues. I could stand up and express my views verbally if need be.

Cindy, 41

Probably nothing on a physical level unless I felt that my daughter was somehow threatened. I doubt I could ever kill someone, but I would try to stop them in any way possible. On the other hand, I'm very verbal and would probably just never shut up until I really felt I drove my point home.

Fisch, 47
Preston, CT USA

I don't know... I have felt strongly enough about an issue at work that I came close to resigning. I didn't have to leave because my supervisors reconsidered their position. I attended a protest rally at the cathedral in support of the people who were abused by priests. I'd like to think that I'd always stand up and speak on, but I'm not sure I'd always do that.

Laura, 38
Lowell, MA USA

Good question. My beliefs preclude murder, but I would kill in defense of my family and our freedom. Not likely in this country, but if a tyrant like Saddam took over the government, I'd be fighting his thugs however I could.

Judy, 62
Easton, KS USA

I don't know. I guess it would depend on how strongly I felt about said beliefs. I've gone to protests about animal rights and environmental issues, written government officials, personally boycotted certain businesses...I suppose those are the kind of things I'd do.


Anything necessary, but I would hope not to let the necessary occur.

Keri-Jade, 23
Brampton, Ontario CANADA

I'm not really a fighter. And nobody can take away what I believe anyway.

A-Dog, 20
Eugene, OR USA

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