April 16, 2001    





Do you think it matters what you wear to a job interview?

Sadly yes. An interviewer is supposed to judge you on your abilities toward the job, not how you dress. Unfortunately, I think how you look has a ot to do with it! I found out after I was hired that my boss likes to hire the "young, good looking ones." Makes you feel good because of the good looking part, but makes you then wonder if you were hired for your abilities at all!!

Tracy, 24
Ocean City

Wow, a job interview. Maybe if I were starting a career. . .I guess it probably helps not to wear a miniskirt and fishnet tights, but. . .my friend Jenna once said that if they hired her they'd have to take her dyed hair, piercings and all.

Karen, 21

Yes I do think it is important what you wear for a job interview. It really matters what kind of job you are interviewing as to what type of clothes you wear.

Marci, 56
, OH   USA

If you want the job, definitely. It matters less what you wear to interview at McDonald's than what you wear to interview at a Fortune 500 company, but how you present yourself is still important.

etoile, 20

Of course it matters what you wear to a job interview. If someone comes to an interview looking like a slob, I can't imagine what they'd look like when the need to impress isn't as great. That doesn't mean that the best dressed person is hired, but appearance is one factor among many.

Laura, 36
, MA   USA

Totally. If you want to get a job for someone who relocates factories or someone who defends rapists or someone who takes PAC bribes then you better wear a suit just like that scumbag.

Alias Irrelevante

I can't be sure, but all the books on job-hunting tell you to dress nicely for an interview. When I once took a course on how to interview well, they stresed that how you look is half the battle. I attended a school to become a Medical Technician and one of the required courses was how to write a decent letter applying for a job and what to do at a job interview. Dressing well was stressed. I don't believe all these people are wrong.

Reba, 51
, MD   USA

Of course. Clothing is part of the important first impression.

Jill, 60

Of course it does. For all that you have on your resume, for all the knowledge you can spout off, assumptions will ALWAYS be made about you because of your appearance... even if subconciously. Looking professional tells a potential employer that you are professional, reliable and can be depended upon.

Steve, 29
Lake Worth

Absolutely! I am on the job hunt now, and I find it absolutely necessary to wear something that will cover my tattoos and my nice invisible tongue jewelry... who wants to hire a tattooed pierced single mother? No one who will pay more than minimum wage that is for sure. I find it to be total bs that I have to hide who I am so I can tie myself down to anotehr 9 to 5 corporate job, but I will play this stupid little game until I have my design  degree, so I can pay the bills.

Maggie, 20
, IL   USA

What perfect timing for this question. I happen to have an interview on Thursday and certainly, from experience, it matters what you wear. Let me put it this way. What you wear won't get you the job...but it can sure keep you from getting a job.

Mick, 30
, IL   USA

Without a doubt.

Fisch, 45
, CT   USA

It shouldn't, but it does. The interviewer would probably judge what you wear on how serious you are about the job.

Dianne, 16
Oshawa, Ontario  CANADA

Well, you don't want to show up in torn jeans and an old t-shirt... I think that you should just look decent...

Jeremy, 14
Highlands Ranch

You know what they say: people size you up based on the first SEVEN seconds when they meet you. EVERYTHING matters. That's not to say that some people might judge you negatively by a casual outfit. Everyone has her own stereotypes. One person might think you're inhibited based on formal clothing, another might think you're very well-mannered. It all depends on who is interviewing you.

Eric, 19
Beverly Hills

Absofrigginlutely. Dress the part. Dress better than the part! Nobody wants to hire a slob!!

Firelady, 23
, TX   USA

From years on both sides of the desk, I'm sure it does. Even if you are applying for a job at McDonald's, you'd better be clean. And for a professional position, you need to look as if you are taking the interview seriously and are a serious candidate. If the job will entail working with clients or senior management, you have to demonstrate that you will appropriately represent the company. Lost buttons or spots on clothing may suggest that you will be equally careless with your work.

Jane, 60
West Linn

A nice outfit won't make up for no skill, no experience, or no education, but it is part of presenting yourself. If you don't care enough to put your best foot forward for an interview, what does that say about you. I remember my first few interviews out of college, when I thought it was bogus to dress up. I learned fast.

I think every person should go through a job readiness seminar that at least stresses how important these sort of things are. However, not more important than being a hard worker and qualified.

Felicia, 35
, MA    USA

It absolutely matters.. remember what they say about first impressions. :)

Talia, 23
, CT   USA

Yes, I think that you should dress casual but not look "rich" or the interviewer will think you have enough money to not have the job.

Melodi, 19
, OH   USA

Definitely. I hate going for the interviews because I don't want to look like a whore or a baglady, and it's hard to find the right balance.

Shanna, 15
Cardiff  ENGLAND

I would think that a neat clean appearance would make a better impression than someone who arrives disheveled and in need of a shower. Someone who takes pride in their appearance would also take pride in their work. Would be my thought.

Janet, 42
E. Brunswick

of course. . .

mothmc, 36
Los Angeles

Well, you don't really want to look like a slob when you're trying to get hired. Unless you don't have any competition, I guess. But what would it hurt to just bite the bullet and dress up a little?

A-Dog, 18

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